What's the dirtiest place in your house?
Posted in Healthy Home on April 12, 2017 by FloridaHealth.com staff. Last modified on April 20, 2024. Read disclaimer.
In 2011, NSF International, swabbed a "sticky note"-sized area of many commonly found items from the homes and cars of 22 volunteer families. Then, they examined these samples for Coliform bacteria (which includes Salmonella and E. coli) to identify the most germ-infested items we come in contact with daily. What they learned was not what most of us would expect.
And why is this so important? Because 80% of all food-related illnesses originate from inside the home!
Can you guess the top 5 dirtiest items in most homes?
Below is a scrambled list of 5 items that research suggests are the filthiest things in the average home and 5 that are commonly among the cleanest.
Instructions: Sort (click, drag and drop) each item, arranging what you believe to be the 5 dirtiest on the left and the 5 cleanest on the right. Then, compare your selection to what the research found:
1. Coffee reservoir is the top of a coffee maker where you add water and grounds.
Click to see the correct order of items and cleaning recommendations